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Updated January 27th, 2024 

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    Since the Age of Mirgris, spellcasters have discovered powers of the universe via complex incantations. These powers have enabled magic-users to gate beings from other realms, release energies from other planes, and transmute both living and non-living things with terrible consequences. It is believed the chaos that exists in Sesamar today is due to the use of those unnatural spells.

    Determined not to make mistakes made by spellcasters of old, humans came up with a unique system. The system incorporates a mandatory social structure of spellcasters that permeates human society. Here are non-negotiable rules of human society concerning the Conclaves of Nithnamar (see Nithnamar city):

Rule of House

All spellcasters must belong to a house and either be designated a mentor or governed by a group of experienced spellcasters.

The act of overseeing a spellcaster is vital for the health of Sesamar. Oversight allows spellcasters to be observed for mental fortitude and their actions constantly reviewed.

The nature of learning, memorizing, and casting spells is very taxing. Learning spells involves written symbols that correspond to concepts and actions. Spell memorization demands the occupation of what spellcasters call mindspace, which tests the fortitude of the caster. Launching spells require near exact pronunciation and gestures. The timing of the two is paramount for the success of the spell. All of these facets of spells and spellcasting place a great deal of weight upon the mind of a caster, which must be monitored over time.

Rule of Conclave

Spellcasters are arranged into three groups, called conclaves: one for magic-users and illusionists, another for clerics and paladins, and the last for druids. Each conclave of spellcasters will have its own tower where it can conduct business.

The nature of separate conclaves allows spellcasters the ability to hone their crafts within the domain of their magic. Magic-casting is different than divine-drawing which is also different than nature-pulling. Each of the conclaves has its own specific needs and concerns.

The three conclaves have been placed in close proximity to each other by design. The implication is that the energies, however separate, all come from The Twin Gods. In their unification can the glory of The Twin Gods be approached, tempered, and honored.

Rule of Tower N

The Tower of Nithnamar is designated for magic-users and illusionists.

Magic-uers and illusionists channel their energies as a result of incantations, gestures, and materials (called magic-casting). These things open pathways to sources of energy and substance, but lean more to the substance, which is Desamar. As a result of this form, they are different than the other conclaves and require specialized methodologies.

Rule of Tower K

The Tower of Kragnan is for clerics and paladins.

Clerics and paladins, while they may require spoken words and movements, they serve to open channels to divine servants of gods, called celestials, demi-gods, or gods. This is unique to clerics and paladins in that their powers flow through pathways that emanate directly from gods (called devine-drawing). Their spells are related more to that of the spirit, which is Sesamar. This makes their spellcasting special.

Rule of Tower H

The Tower of Hybithnius handles the affairs of druids and rangers.

Druids speak power words and make careful movements like other casters. However, their magic is special (called nature-drawing). It draws upon an equal balance of nature, which is the harmony of energy and substance. It is equal parts of Sesamar and Desamar that drives their abilities. This is why they have their own conclave.

Rule of Transmutation

All magic must be used for the good of Sesamar, which means transmutation magic is not permitted.

Transmutation magic has caused an unmistakable amount of chaos and pain. It has brought unnatural beings into existence for the sole purpose of conflict. During the Age of Neltinus, centaurs and minataurs were created. They killed each other in great numbers, leading to the Forest of Souls. Orcs, hobgoblins, and bugbears plague Sesamar to the modern era (the Age of Hope).

It is for these reasons, transmutation magic of this creature creation nature is forbidden.

Rule of Kings

The appointment of (a human) king will be done via the Conclaves of Nithnamar.

Humans of Sesamar have come to realize three important facts:

  1. The decisions that kings make are important.
  2. Magic is central to the existence of humankind.
  3. Honor to The Twin Gods manifests itself with good decisions, good actions, and good energies in general (meaning good intentions and magic).

This cooperation of spellcasters allows them to articulate a variety of concerns and objectives in choosing a proper king. Keeping in mind that spellcasters are the most educated, articulated, and skilled, it makes good sense for the Sesamarans to arrange their society this way.

Here are the important rules concerning the process of determining and gaining a King of Sesamar:

  • On the 12th day of the eleventh month, each conclave must present three representatives in Nithnamar for the purposes of selecting a king. These representatives are sequestered. These spellcasters are called, The Body.
  • The first duty of The Body is to agree upon an available seer within four days of its formation.
  • Once the seer is chosen and joins The Body, the group is forever referred to as The Augury.
  • By the 12th day of the twelfth month, the name of a king must be named by The Augury. The Augury is to come to this decision via majority vote and the seer does not vote.
  • On the 12th day of the first month of the year, a new king will be coronated to begin his eight-year term. At that time, the reigning king must peacefully surrender all authority to the new king.

It is possible that a ruling king may not be able to carry out his duty as King of Sesamar. These are the rules concerning such a situation.

  • A king cannot carry out his duty if he is: a) mentally incompetent or b) dead.
  • To determine incompetence, a representative of each conclave and a seer all must agree there is a concern of incompetence. The conclaves will convene in Nithnamar to determine if there is merit to the claim. Three representatives from each conclave and a seer will decide if the claim has merit. The representatives and seer will be sequestered for this purpose. This Augury has three days to determine if the king is incompetent.
  • To determine death, a representative of each conclave and a seer must all agree the king is dead. The conclaves will convene in Nithnamar to determine if there is merit to the claim. Three representatives from each conclave and a seer will decide if the claim has merit. The representatives and seer will be sequestered for this purpose. This Augury has three days to determine if the king is dead.
  • If the king is incompetent or dead, the process for determining a king will begin. The process for determining a king will begin no later than the 12th day of the following month under the same set of rules given normal circumstances.
  • During the time spent finding a new king, the current king's council will appoint an Acting King to handle all tasks normally conducted by the king.
  • Once a king is chosen, the new king will be coronated within five days of this determination. At that time, the Acting King must peacefully surrender all authority to the new king.