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Updated August 24th, 2024 


Google Gemini May 23rd 2024
Magic-Users are scholars of the arcane.
Magic-users rely on their intelligence and dexterity to cast intensive spells (create a magic-user, name a magic-user). Whether they realize it or not, their power is derived directly from Sesamar and Desamar, but they may worship some avatar.

Magic-user hierarchy is this:

InitiateLevel 1
SpellcasterLevels 2 - 4
SorcererLevels 5 - 7
WizardLevels 8 - 10
Master WizardLevels 11+

Due to the misguided transmutations of old (see History), magic-users are strongly compelled to be affiliated (to some capacity) with casters of Kornas or Nithnamar. It is a preventive way of protecting the realm from rogue casters who can cause great damage.

There are also advantages for casters who associate with casters of Kornas and Nithnamar. Rubbing elbows with other magic-users allows casters to: a) learn of events that are occurring in the realm, b) have greater access to spell components, and c) enables casters to share spells.

Spells and Spellbooks
Magic-users must maintain a spellbook. This is the accumulation of spells a magic-user has obtained over the course of time. A magic-user may have more than one such book and can make copies of the book, given time and/or price for doing so.

A magic-user can cast a memorized spell once/day. After at least 6 hours of restful sleep and 2 hours in a relatively calm environment for meditation, a magic-user's spells will return to memory. If a magic-user chooses to reconfigure his/her spells, this will require time and access to grimoire(s) that contain the desired spells to be memorized. The time it will take to reconfigure these spells is intelligence dependent, explained as follows.

A magic-user who wants to reconfigure his/her spells should make a list of all spells with their respective spell levels. The sum of the spell levels must be gained. Divide the sum by the magic-users intelligence and round up. This final number is the number of days it will take the magi-user to make the exchange of spells to memory. If the process is interrupted, the DM will make a determination on the known spells the magic-user gets memorized.

The final number of days will be adjusted according to this table.

serene environmentnone
intermittent low noise or minor noises+1 days
intermittent loud noises+2 days
constant loud noisespell adjustment prevented
more than 3 brief interruptions+1 day
2 or less lengthy interruption+2 days
3 or more lengthy interruptions+1 day for each such interruption
magic-user's safety is in jeopardyhalts adjustment, DM intervention

A magic-user who wants to use a new spell must devout time to learn it. Casting spells is no easy feat, considering it requires accurate articulation and/or exact gestures. Divide the spell level of the spell by 2, rounding up, to determine how many days it will take to learn a new spell. The magic-user must have a quiet, safe space with no major interruptions in order to memorize the spell.

Magic-users can specialize, which provides certain advantages and disadvantages. Each specialization is listed below.


This is a spellcaster who specializes with with one of the four elements. Once an element is chosen, here are the benefits the spellcaster will gain when dealing with that element:

50% spell advantage
+2 with saving throws
Opponents receive a -2 with saving throws Concerning damage, spell operate at +2 levels

Here are the drawbacks of this specialization:

Can never cast spells from the opposing element (fire and water are opposed as are air and earth)
Spells cast from the other two elements get a 50% disadvantage
Saving throws against spells that involve the opposite element are done at -2.

To determine a spell advantage of 50%, the spellcaster casts the spell using half the amount of time and gets 50% more distance, area of effect, and duration. Likewise, a 50% disadvantage means half the distance, area of effect, and duration, but it takes 50% more time to cast the spell.


Enchanters are knowledgeable of magic, magical items, and the lore surrounding them. They are also extremely useful for finding things, recharging magical wands, staves, and rods. A high level enchanter can also create magical items.

An enchanter can cast spells from the schools of enchantment and divination with a 50% advantage (+2 levels for calculating damage). However, enchanters can only cast from the school of evocation to create or recharge magical items and scrolls. All other schools of magic are burdened with a 50% disadvantage. To understand this advantage and disadvantage modifier, see elementalist above.

Enchanters gain abilities dependent upon their experience level, as follows:

3rd levelidentify potions and scroll spells
5th levelcreate potions
7th levelrecharge magical weapons
8th levelcreate simple level magical items
9th levelcreate medium level magical items
12th levelcreate high level magical items

Creating magical items requires a lot of time, fine materials, and knowledge of certain spells. Making them often involves performing quests (finding materials and spells) and paying an enchanter a lot of gold. Besides, everyone wants magical items. This makes enchanters very much a high commodity.

The specialization of enchanter is likely to make these spellcasters stationary non-player characters in large cities who provide knowledge and skill for payment.


Necromancers know about life, death, summoning, and charms.

These spellcasters have a 50% advantage when casting spells from the school of necromancy (concerning damage, spell operate at +2 levels) and a 25% advantage working with the schools of conjuring and enchantment (concerning damage, spells operate at +1 levels). However, they incur a 50% disadvantage when working with other spells and they cannot cast spells from the school of illusion. The mechanic works similar to that of elementalists (see above).

Necromancers are the only magic-users that can cast resurrection (and its reverse, destruction). Necromancers require triple the casting time for a resurrection (not destruction) spell compared to clerics.

Due to the fact necromancers have a focus on death, they have a negative stigma and are assumed to be evil by non-player characters. However, necromancers can be any alignment.


A warlock is a spellcaster who focuses mainly on devils, demons, conjuration, fear, and evil in general.

These spellcasters receive a 50% advantage with the spells from the schools of adjuration, evocation, and conjuration (concerning damage, spells operate at +2 levels), except for the spell named demonbane (see below). They cannot cast spells from the school of divination (except spells concerning 'evil'). All other spells receive a 75% disadvantage. The mechanic works similar to that of elementalists (see above).

Only warlocks are able to cast the 3rd level spell demonbane, which is described below.

Like necromancers, warlocks are thought to be evil. Their focus on demons, devils, magic circles, and such give then a very poor reputation. However, warlocks can be any alignment. Warlocks who have a good alignment must be careful how they use the spell demonbane.

Demonbane (Evocation)
Casting Time: 2 segments
Range: Touch or 5 yds. + 3 yds./level
Target: One creature or 10 foot radius area of effect
Components: V S
Duration: Instantaneous
Otherworldly purple fire energy leaps from the warlocks hands. The warlock makes a melee spell attack against the target (only dex bonus, but no armor bonus). On a hit, the target takes 1d8/lvl (touch) or 1d6/lvl (range), save for half damage. 25% of the damage (rounded down) that was dealt will return back to the warlock as a bonus to hit points (up to the warlock's maximum hit points). When the warlock starts casting the spell, the 25% hit point return can be modified upward by +5% for every 1 hit point the warlock sacrifices as a spell component. The modifier can never surpass 50% and the warlock can never sacrifice more hit points than he or she currently has.

For example, say a warlock casts a 6d6 demonbane spell and rolls 20 points of damage. Two people are affected by the spell and one person misses his saving throw. They take 20 and 10 points of damage. The second character only had 8 hit points. So, the warlock actually deals a total of 28 points of damage and receives 7 points back as a health boost.

Had the warlock first sacrificed 5 hp, the modifier would have been 50%. The warlock would have instead received back 14 hit points.


Witches are spellcasters who are typically bound to the elements, conjuration, charms, and the moon.

These spellcasters pick any three schools from this list and enjoy a 25% advantage when casting spells from them: altercation, conjuration, enchantment, divination, and necromancy. No matter which school a witch specializes, they can always enjoy a 50% advantage when casting spells having to do with fear, flight, charm, summoning (creatures), and elements (non-offensive) and gain +2 levels concerning damage. Any spell not mentioned and not within their their chosen school will receive a 50% disadvantage. The mechanic works similar to that of elementalists (see above).

Witches have special abilities upon reaching certain levels, as shown here:

3rd levelidentify plants, mammals, pure water
5th levelchange form to inc. charisma & comeliness by +3 (18 max)
7th levelcreate potions and poisons
9th levelcan cast 4th lvl witch's curse spell (see below)
11th levelchange form to inc. charisma & comeliness by +1/lvl (19 max)

Witch's Curse (Abjuration)
Casting Time: 5 segments
Range: Touch or 5 yds. + 5 yds./level
Target: One creature or one location
Components: V S
Duration: Instantaneous
A witch's curse is far more potent than a curse spell (reverse of remove curse) even though the witch has to make her curse audible and must do so in public (at least one witness must be present). Target gets a saving throw at -4 for no effect and it counts as a 5th level spell. A witch can operate only one witch's curse at a time. The witch gets to decide what the curse is and the condition that will remove the curse. Killing the witch who created the curse does not lift the curse. The only way to remove a curse is to a) have the witch who cast the spell to remove it, b) get a 12th level spellcaster to cast a remove curse spell, or c) fulfill the condition necessary to remove the curse.

To memorize the witch's curse spell, it requires two 4th level slots. These two slots must be held for the witch's curse spell while its memorized and while the spell remains active. Here are some ideas for curses:

Target is Creature
one characteristic drops to 3
all attacks and saving throws are done at -4
half the time says lies, but cannot hear them
has persistent nightmare and never feels rested
-1 to attacks and saving throws
-2 to charisma and comeliness
sleepwalking (random or not)
in stressful situations, must save versus spells or drop held items
cannot eat after a bite of food, but is hungry in half an hour
every person you see looks very, very old
cannot see or cannot hear

Target is Location
a certain type of crop cannot grow
a certain area becomes totally infertile (plants or people)
citizens become impossible to please
a foul smell persists
haunted by imposing monster
haunted by phantasms: sights and sounds
everyone responds to sad and funny situations with opposite emotion
every day, an animal or community member dies a tragic death
all water is tainted
crops are damaged and people get sick

Witches enjoy being in the wild away from civilized societies. Unlike druids, witches are more closely tied to the unpredicability of nature. This is why witches must be chaotic, but they can be good, neutral, or evil along the other alignment axis.

Nithnamar Tower
Nestled within the bustling city of Nithnamar stands Tower Nithnamar, one of three grand structures dedicated to the arcane arts.

Aspiring spellcasters flock here to delve into the intricate details of magic. This renowned research facility offers a wealth of knowledge for those seeking to master the intricacies of spellcasting and ascend the path to true wizardry. Here, every detail matters, for within the nuances of gith (gesture), mith (vocalization), nith (power words), and hith (material components) lies the key to unlocking potent magic.

All magic-users are able to utilize 2 cantrips +1/per level. A magic-user cannot sacrifice spell slots for cantrips. Here is a list of cantrips all magic-users have access:

Air (Evocation):
Area of Effect: 10x10x10 or 1,000 cubic feet
This cantrip will summon air to the caster if there is some available with 100 yards/level. Poisons in the air will not be summoned, but only nitrogen and oxygen will be brought forth. Such air will fill the area around the caster up to 1000 cubic feet (enough air for one man sized, resting creature, to last 24 hours before the carbon dioxide build up would be sufficient to kill him, assuming no other air source is handy and the room or cavern or whatever is hermetically sealed). Any other non-magically summoned poisonous air already in the vicinity of the caster will be removed on a one-to-one basis (by volume). If the mage fell into a pit of methane, this may save the caster's life. Trapped in a cave in or sealed in a portable hole or other hermetically sealed room, it may prolong it. It will not, however, affect dragon breath, Cloud Kill, Stinking Cloud, or other such spells. On the other hand, the cantrip may simply freshen a room's air, removing smoke and lingering odors and replacing them with fresh air from outside.

Clean (Abjuration):
Area of Effect: 4 square yards
This removes heavy soils, dirt, and similar material from the area of effect such as floors, walls, dishes, windows, a pile of vegetables, etc. The total material removed may not weigh more than 50 lbs. This material does not vanish, but will be collected in a container provided by the mage (a dustbin for example) or piled up where the mage so designates within the 1" range.

Distract (Enchantment):
Area of Effect: Special
This cantrip will cause creatures of low intelligence or lower, 1 Hit Dice or lower, or 0th level to look for one segment to the left or the right of the caster (up to 10 feet away) allowing the caster to do something with their opposite hand and have it go unnoticed. Creatures of 1st level or higher AND intelligence higher than "low" (must have both these qualities), or 1+1 Hit Dice or higher, get a save vs. spell to avoid this distracting effect. Thus, for example, a farmer or shopkeeper would not typically get a save, but all adventurers would.

Fire Finger (Alteration):
Area of Effect: 6-inch line (one half of a foot)
This cantrip causes a 6-inch jet of flame to spring from the caster's finger causing easily combustible objects to ignite. It lasts 6 seconds. The aura of living creatures (of more than animal intelligence or more than 1 Hit Point) can ward of its effects (no damage). The cantrip is handy for starting campfires and the like, or even sterilizing daggers and needles. It is better than Spark, for example, in that it may set aflame harder to burn objects, but worse than Spark, in that it has no "within 10-foot" range and must be used up close.

Giggle (Charm):
Area of Effect: One person
This will cause the target to giggle or laugh. Save indicates one slight chuckle, while failure indicates 1 to 3 seconds of giggling.

Glow (Conjuration):
Area of Effect: 3-inch diameter sphere
This summons a blue light (1/4 of a foot) and illuminates a 5' radius area with a mystical blue light as long as the caster concentrates upon it. It will not affect Infravision or Ultravision, nor cast reflections outside its sphere of illumination. The caster may read by this light, but may not do battle, cast spells, memorize spells, or in other ways devote too much concentration elsewhere other than to maintain the illumination. In any event, the duration is no more than one hour/level.

Mouse (Summoning):
Area of Effect: One mouse
If a mouse is within 1 mile/level of the caster, this cantrip summons it to within 10 feet of the caster and it will magically appear and behave as a mouse would.

Untangle (Alteration):
Area of Effect: One object, up to one cubic yard
Similar to Tie, this works on finer material like thread, hair, small grasses, causing them to become untwisted and free of tangles. It may be used to good effect on windblown hair and will leave such hair free of tangles and looking rather well brushed or combed.

Warm (Evocation):
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot
Nonliving, non-magical liquid or solid materials may become up to 40 degrees F higher in temperature (not to be higher than 212 degrees F, so you may not boil water, (at one atmospheric pressure, anyway)). The duration is instantaneous and then nature reigns. i.e. the target will warm up or cool down as normal from that point due to ambient temperature and conditions. Thus, a cold liquid (cold tea or coffee, for example) may be warmed to a higher temperature. Even a bath may be warmed, though 1 cubic foot only, and then its heat will spread out according to normal laws of physics. This cantrip could easily turn one cubic foot of snow or ice into water (assuming such material was at least -8 degrees F or warmer to begin with in order to reach its minimum melting temperature).

Water (Evocation):
Area of Effect: 1 quart
The mage holds his hands in the shape of a cup and utters the words and summons (from the nearest, freely available source) fresh, pure, water. Even a tainted or poisoned source will do as only the water is summoned and not the impurities. Unless pure water is available within 1 mile/level of the caster, the water is rather tasteless (distilled), but provides up to one quart of the required liquid. If NO liquid (or frozen) water (fresh or otherwise) is within 1 mile/level, the cantrip has no effect. As always, spells attempt to bring forth the easiest source, so a friend's water skin is not easy since water in the possession of a creature would get a save. The cantrip will first search for other sources before it even attempts to affect such a "owned" source.

Yawn (Evocation):
Area of Effect: One creature
Save negates the effect, but failing save will cause the target to yawn for 1 to 3 seconds. If a Sleep spell then blankets the area and such a creature (who already failed their save vs. Yawn and could normally be affected by a Sleep spell, will fall asleep, but does not count toward the Sleep spell's normal limit of hit dice that may be affected.