Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Characters ] [ Player Characters ]  Paladins  
Updated June 28th, 2024 


Paladins are holy fighters.
A paladin is an elite holy warrior, chosen from the best men and women of the realm. Paladins must possess strength and wisdom and have considerable constitution and charisma (create a paladin, name a paladin). In return for their strict adherance to goodness and lawfulness, Sesamar and Desamar grant them considerable powers.

Paladin hierarchy is skills-based and consists of this order:

DevoteeLevel 1
GuardianLevels 2 - 4
ChampionLevels 5 - 8
PaladinLevels 9+

The title Knight is given to a paladin who accomplishes a noteworthy deed and who remains in good favor with the granter of the title. Only a paladin who has achieved the skilled rank of Paladin can grant the title of "Knight" to another paladin.

To receive training, a would-be paladin must eventually travel to Kornas, where they will be processed. Paladins will be taught by scholars in academic disciplines that include history, language, governance, and civic duty. Priests (level 3 - 6 clerics) will provide tutelage regarding divinity with respect to Sesamar and Desamar. Swordsmen (level 4 - 6 fighters) will impart their knowledge of tactics, weaponry, and armor. It is an expensive endeavor, which means it requires being a member of an affluent family, generous sponsorship, or special approval for bequeathal of endowment.

Paladins who are trained in the Western Lands are all proficient with the lance. In addition, paladins have a +1 skill level with the lance per two levels of experience (rounded down). A 3rd level paladin would have a +1 skill with a lance.

Paladins from the Western Lands are usually well-respected by all good characters in the realm.

All paladins can cast this orison starting at the fifth level.

Detect Undead:
The paladin will be able to detect if there is an undead presence. The area of effect is a circle that has a diameter of 1 mile per level of the caster. The caster will receive a direction and distance if an undead presence exists, but no details of the presence will be received. If there are multiple groups of undead, the paladin will gain the direction and distance of the largest undead presence (for each group of undead, the sum of their hit dice will be compared for this purpose).

Once paladins are able to cast spells, they can start casting additional orisons, one orison available to clerics per level of the paladin.